Come Play With Us!
Building sets is just one of many jobs you can do as a volunteer at ECHO Players.
ECHO Players is run entirely by volunteers and we invite you to come join our theatre family.
Whatever your background or experience level, there is an opportunity for you to contribute your skills and talents, (or learn something new) with our community of theatre lovers!
We encourage you to participate, either on stage, back stage, front of house, or other areas of interest. There are so many ways you can get involved.
To sign up for ECHO Membership Click Here
Consider joining us in any of the following areas (in no particular order):
• Directing… Previous experience is preferred to direct one of our Season’s main productions, but opportunities also exist for the beginning director. If there is a play you are excited to direct, your proposal is always welcomed by the Artistic Direction Committee.
• Acting, Singing and Dancing… Open auditions are held for all productions. New faces are always welcome! Rehearsals are usually held 3 times a week over a 10 – 12 week period, and shows run for approximately 14 performances. ECHO Players welcomes new actors as well as those with previous experience.
• Producing… The producer assists the director to put together a production team, hold regular meetings, organize auditions and look after the budget. Being an Associate Producer is a good way to start.
• Stage Managing… The Stage Managers assists with auditions, rehearsals, recording stage directio for blocking and director's notes. During dress rehearsals and performances, the Stage Manager is in charge, calling the cues for the show from the technical booth. Being an Assistant Stage Manager is a great way to gain experience.
• Program Coordinator… Coordinate the preparation of programs for productions between the Producer and Graphic Designers, some computer/ Word Processing skills are helpful. Get bios from cast members, Director, Producer, Stage Manager and the President's and Director's message. Input and assemble all text and photos for program and send to graphic designers, then check proofs. This position works in tandem with the Promotions and Marketing committee.
• Marketing Team… Get involved with promoting ECHO Players theatre by marketing through newspaper, social media, radio, television and local events. Help manage the ECHO Players website. If you have any experience in marketing, writing, design, sponsorship, promotions etc. we want you on our team.
• Box Office… Be part of the front line team selling tickets through our computerized Box Office system at the Village Theatre.
• Lighting and Sound Design and Operations… Learn to hang and focus lights, record sound effects and run the control boards during the shows. Control recorded music scores when necessary and learn about mikes (when they are necessary).
• Set Design… Through consultation with the Director, prepare a floor plan showing location of entrances, key furnishings, etc. Make changes where necessary and prepare scale drawings of components that need to be constructed. Provide instructions to set construction team, set painters, scenic painters and set dressers.
• Set Construction and Painters… Review the set design, and determine what existing materials are available in the theatre storage areas and purchase the rest. Construct components and assemble the set in accordance with the drawings and instructions.After consultation with the Director, set décor and set design team, paint the sets for the production once construction is complete.
• Furnishing and Props… Assemble furniture, draperies, pictures and other props for the production. Furnishing and Props may be obtained from the ECHO Players properties room, thrift stores, borrowed from antique stores or from other members, etc. Attend rehearsals in order to coordinate the use and placement of props. Return props to storage in good order after the run.
• Costumes… Study the play thoroughly with an eye to the era, style, social status, etc. of the characters. Determine the number and type of costumes required by each character. Measure the actors. Determine if any costumes in the wardrobe are appropriate. Purchase fabric, etc., as required. Attend the dress rehearsal to correct any problems. Return all costumes in good order at end of production to wardrobe.
• Makeup and/or Hairstyling… Study the play and meet with the director at production meetings to discuss what is needed. Meet with the cast before dress rehearsal to plan make-up and/or hair, and attend the final few dress rehearsals to oversee the actors’ make-up and/or hairstyling.
• Stage Crew… Be a member of the backstage crew helping change scenes and assist actors during the performances.
• Front of House and Bar… Staff the concession, hand out programs, show people to seats, be familiar with safety procedures. Help staff the Bar in the Green Room during productions and social events.
Ian Morton, the Chair of the Artistic Direction Committee, tells you a little about how plays are selected for ECHO Players.
The cast of “The Play That Goes Wrong” learning sword fighting skills from past alumni.
Dressing room shenangans backstage at “SPAM & MAPLE SYRUP!”
Up in the sound booth, the dark and quiet room during the show… it’s who everyone is pointing at when taking their bows.
Lighting and sound technicians bring the stage to life.
The construction crew building the set for “Doubt: A Parable”
The backstage crews - we couldn’t do it without you!
Our amazing costume designers working their magic to prepare for “Matilda”
Our Front of House greeters’ smiles are the first thing people see when they come to the theatre. What a nice way to start your experience.
As an ECHO Players member you are informed of all auditions and other events that take place throughout the year, and you are eligible to participate in all productions.
You also receive invitations to New Member Nights, Opening Night Parties, Christmas socials, the annual ECHO Players summer BBQ, play reading nights and many other activities.
If you have any questions about ECHO Players or becoming a member, get in touch with Tricia Browne, Membership Secretary at